Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Remember, Remember


They'll say to you that
The lord works in mysterious ways
He don't work at all

What's so myster'ous about tearing up in the
Eye of the shitstorm

Crying, dying, then
Waking up a worse being than
Before your birthdate

Biting my tongue...

They ask me do I
Remember my face before I was born
I never forgot
Remember my face before I was born?

I couldn't be less
Surprised I'm emancipated and ostricized
They see me as the "honky"
How suprising, I think to myself
Sarcastically of course
You can thumb through these unsacred, ubiquitous
Scarring sardonic thoughts
Without my permission and, yes without your egotistical
Orbiting C.I.A. satellite, all right
Licence to kill granted, granted
Once I'm dead, the Earth will be yours, hell, you'll be the Earth
Hold on to what you've got
Because the next time you look in the mirror
Figuratively speaking
All I'll be is a slowly-evaporating black chunk of cottled blood
Drying as it mixes with the dirt
Dying of the light
Dying to hear you call me a virgin and a whore
A "whiny" again, back when
I could escape to the fantasy of me with two titanium claws
Ripping apart your scalpel membrane as you screamed
"Why Nny! Why!"
Cooking and eating your brain with heavy cream, a delicacy,
Why does society creamate its youth and take snapshots of itself to barter as the root of all evil
Fearing supernatural fiends when it can't even deal with the real monsters, everyday brainwashed people
Like you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you...
The same people who wrote the Qua'ran and the Bible, The Torah and the Bhavad Gita
Telling people to be nice to each other while you were busy chopping off each other's heads
Taking land and money and food, stealing love and weapons
Stop fucking like goddamned rabbits, kill the Buddha before the Buddha kills you
I tell you to end your life! I wish I could
But it's too late for an apology
Let nature, that spacy entity of which humanity seems to be the lowest form, neither mother nor father, be the one to pardon you
My heart has withered and turned blue, the blood flowing through my veins is lukewarm at best
You heard it from the coward first, the drugs I've taken for the last two years have can and will atrophy your emotions to a point beyond recognition
I forget what it feels like to be apologetic
All I feel is a sorrow so empty it cuts into me like an invisible razor, and from what I've seen
I'm not "an" immortal
I'm going to let myself die of natural causes, I can't see the point in suicide
Clinging on to the caustic pain, the only thing that's real
Call me a coward coward and a faggot faggots:
I'm sure in your mind it's a fact
Somewhere down the line our dharma got scrambled
Intercepted, wiretapped, cue repetitive techno music
Making it all the more depressingly funny to stare briefly into your fanny as you overstate you opinion
I try my hardest not to wear out my welcome, however
Happy folk don't fuck with me
Yes I hear your thoughts and they hurt most the time, do me a favor, your shoe's untied

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